Proving Jesus

Love this post by fellow blogger

Beautiful Life with Cancer

I have a little girl.  There is evidence of her everywhere.  I have scientific evidence, I have a journal that I have kept about her life, there are so many other people that have seen her and know her, the list goes on and on.  But this is not how I prove her.  If I meet someone in the grocery store and tell a story about my daughter, no one asks me to prove her existence scientifically.  I know she exists because I KNOW HER.  I have walked with her and talked with her and served her and I LOVE HER!  I know she exists because I LOVE HER!  I can tell you stories of the funny things she has said, I can tell you about eating popcorn with her, I can tell you about how she brought me coffee in bed when I was sick, I can tell you…

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